Friday, October 28, 2016

Stories to warm the heart!

So it's been a rough few weeks and I thought I'd share some really, really satisfying moments from this week to keep my spirits up.

I had a really good day. It was our "Halloween" day so I dressed up as a mad scientists and the kids LOVED it! (Pictures to come). It was hectic and I peed like once when I normally pee 279437685 times so it was a little insane and my head hurt a bit by the end of the nonstop day, but it was sooooo great.

I saw some student progress this week. Like, direct student progress. Students growing in their English academic abilities. Sweet! (Translation: I lowered my standards by a landslide and therefore have seen slight progress and feel good about it... )

I've started rehearsals for my play (Yes, I'm staring in a show, omg!! Details to come!) and I'm just feeling over the moon about it. I had the worst day on Monday, but then I went to rehearsal and felt awesome... so that's the best!

Last weekend, a vegan company in Shanghai launched their new ice cream brand and gave out free ice cream. Dairy free ice cream? 6 bowls? FREE?! Yup. I've been to Heaven guys and it tastes yum.

My extremely thoughtful husband left me a note on my pillow saying "You're amazing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise" after a few very, very horrible days and it made everything okay again.

My students decorated the classroom like a haunted house and it looks amaaaaazing (even though it's messy and took forever). I am so happy that I let them decorate for the past three weeks. Other classes only decorated for this week, but I let me kids take over for the whole of October. Worth it. I think my class might win the decorating competition.

I told my students a scary story and had my assistant Head of House come in and scare the shit out of them at the end and it went SO smoothly. Two students ran out of the class screaming! It was amazing. They are STILL talking about how "scary" Ms. Wun is. Hehehehehehe. *brushes dust off of shoulder*

Today we had a 5k run for charity, and watching my kids push themselves to finish it was a heartwarming experience. I was cheering them on the sidelines like a proud mama and some of the students just looked genuinely proud of themselves after every lap. They'd slow down a bit to smile and wave at me and I'd cheer them on calling them a hero and a superstar. My God, it was beautiful. I just absolutely love seeing students so passionate and motivated these days. My FAVOURITE part was that they were not using technology or complaining or being rude to each other. They were helping each other run around the track and smiling the whole time in their costumes. They were loving a simple activity. It was adorable and I can't stop smiling thinking about some of my really, really weak students pushing themselves and crossing that finish line, highfiving me at the end (some of the boys highfived really hard which made me laugh!)

I watched Friends last night and Bernard brought me home a snack of chocolate and ginger ale and we just cuddled and I watched my show and he did his thing and it was just SO relaxing and nice. My feet were killing me and my brain was mush, and I just watched my stories and loved every second of it. It's kind of scary how much I love doing something so simple as this... but I do!

Here comes the best part of my week and arguably the most exciting part of this whole month. So exciting that this is the reason I'm writing the blog. The other stuff makes me very happy and blessed, but this last thing that happened about 10 minutes ago has really made me start skipping and singing!


Context: Moses is our rescued foster dog who is pretty nervous and stand offish at the best of times. He has never, ever licked anything but my arms and occasionally my legs after showering (because he's strange) and today, I came home from work, opened the bedroom door and said HI MOMO!!!! and he roused from his sleepy state, came over to me, tail wagging, plopped in my lap and went NUTS!! He was a proper dog!

Moses doesn't play with toys or get overly excited about anything. He's a bit of a strange dog and is often very mopey. When he licked my face, I couldn't believe how excited it made me. I feel like in that moment, he was so comfortable with me. I feel like he was telling me that he loved me at that moment. It was an absolute treat and I loved it!!!!

Confession: I'm actually not a fan of being licked in the face by dogs BUT this was so unbelievably uncharacteristic of our little bear. Now he's cuddled up beside me. I swear he can feel my energy. I feel like he feels very safe and loved. It's such a beautiful feeling! I feel like a major step has been made here in my foster parenting role.

GAH! What a good day!!!

I promise I'll post some pictures of my classroom and students in costume, but for now, here's a few little things to hopefully make you smile.

Until next time!
Sarah the happy Wun

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