Bernard was sick. My tummy was hurting mighty fierce, but I
was kind of used to it at this point so that’s nothing new. But Bernard was
quite sick! Damn the food here! It wasn’t really agreeing with either of us. We
had a lowkey day and enjoyed some reading and fresh fruit juice.

The food was really nice that we made though and we did
enjoy it on a beautiful patio. And at the end of the day, we had enough money
to pay for it so I really should have stopped bitching. Stupid place.
We decided not to explore the town and just went back to the
beach in DaNang. We enjoyed the beach as we cautiously explored for food that
wouldn’t kill us. We went back to the Banh mi place we had gone to the day
before because the lady was so kind. She didn’t have enough buns to make Banh
mi but she made us this really lovely noodle dish for like no money! Mmmmm
street noodles! I think it was like 20,000 VND, which will give you a good
comparison to other food prices. Better than LAME Vien!
Then to our pleasant surprise, the noodle place lady gave us
a mango!! That was pretty cool! I got a kick out of the woman at the hotel
looking for a knife so I could cut the mango. She wouldn’t let me take the
knife to the room (understandable… I could have been a serial killer), so I sat
and cut the mango in the lobby while she watched me laughing. HAH! That was a
cute little experience.
Then we picked up some light snacks and watched Jurassic
Park 2 in our room and nursed our sensitive and tender tummies.
Bernard as a Top Chef!
The next day, we had to get up at stupid o’clock (like, 3am)
to catch our stupid early flight back to Shanghai… but at this point, we were
very glad to be heading back to reality where things were a little dumb but at
least we knew that. All in all, a great and eye-opening vacation. You really
can’t complain when you’re on a vacation that lets you explore three different
countries. #blessed
And that's our story of Chinese New Year Holiday! Yes! I did it. I successfully wrote about it only a little while after it happened, unlike last year. Ugh! Sorry folks.
Sarah the traveling Wun
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