So Bernard and I were going to meet up with some friends to
go rock-climbing and we had to venture out to China-China. You see, where we
live is pretty “English” friendly and urban-chic. There are little pockets of
what I like to call China-China where you forget you are in a big city like
So we subway an hour’s way up to Hongkou Football Stadium
(which sounds pretty city-esque) and climb up the stairs to a very pretty area.
Green grass, cute little stubby trees, seniors doing Tai Chi, and other
China-isms – my favourite? The bird walking.
Bird-walking?! Yes. So we were walking through this tiny
little green park area and we saw some cages on trees so we investigated.
Straight up, some adorable old Chinese men were sitting on a bench and just
chilling out with their birds. Still puzzled, I walked up to a tree and gazed.

^ Men chilling on the benches watching their birds.
Another simple pleasure that I do not respect is children
doing their business on the ground and the ass-less pants. Yes, they exist. I
don’t need to see child ass! I just don’t. Also, breast-feeding is cool, but
getting in an argument with a woman who is breastfeeding on the subway and
being squirted at with her breast milk… a little much. This didn’t happen to
me! I didn’t even see it! My friend told me about it; but you know what? I
believe it. Girrrrl, we in China. Where the level of WTF is off the charts. And
sometimes (like in the case of the bird park) I just LOVE it.
P.S. I'm a terrible person! I should blog more. Sorry mama! I love you!!!
Sarah "isn't it Wunderful?"
<< The bird park :)
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