When I lived on the streets, I was always very nervous. I
heard lots of loud and scary noises and could have been run over many times by
all these crazy motorized scooters! The winters were really cold and I didn’t
like being outside left all alone with no cuddles.
I was found in the rain by a really wonderful woman who
rescued me from the chilly, wet outdoors. She took me in and I had to get used
to being around a lot of animals all day every day. I think this nice lady
helped many animals which is so wonderful but I wished that I got more
attention because I’m needy like that. How can I help wanting belly rubs? They
feel so good!
One day, I got to stay outside of the room with all the
animals and didn’t have to wear my cone. I hate my cone! I can’t chew on my
body when I’m wearing that stupid cone. I was really excited to run around the
entire house and get lots of pets from the rescuer and her husband. Then the
doorbell rang and I was over the moon excited! I ran to the door and two giant
strangers came in. I was afraid that they would hit me or yell at me like on
the streets. The man bent down and gave me a really nice rub on my head so I
sat by him the whole time they were there. The woman just kept smiling at me
and I could feel that I was safe.

These people are really nice but I wish they would just give
me all their food. The man is always in the kitchen and makes good smells. I
want to eat these smells but he glares at me when I ask (bark) for food. I
wonder why. Maybe I’m not asking (barking) loud enough.
The woman always sternly calls me name when I bite myself. I
personally don’t see how it’s any of her business. It does hurt though. She
sprays me with some stuff that really hurts but then soothes me. I growl at her
but I still love her.
The woman also gives me these big yellow pills every day and
gets really happy when I eat them. I like when she’s happy so I’ll continue to
eat them.
The Wuns went away for so long! It was only a weekend but
why didn’t they take me?! I went to a big, scary place with lots of medicine
and people in white coats. I had to sleep in a big, ugly, scary room with no
soft blankets. I miss sleeping next to the man and woman in their big,
comfortable bed!
Now I have to wear my cone 24 hours a day. The doctor looked
concerned and I have to eat many pills – they taste really bad and I wish they
were like the yellow pills but they’re not. There are many cab rides but I
haven’t seen the Wuns in a week. Do they not like me anymore? Will I ever see them
again? Where are my mom and dad? I wish I had a home.
The rescuer and I are at a familiar apartment. My tail is
wagging and I’m excited that I might see nice people again. The woman opens the
door and I jump on her. She’s really happy and gives me lots of rubs. She
doesn’t take off my cone so I’m mad at her. I’m really happy to be back with
the Wuns. The man takes lots of pictures of me – maybe I’m cute after all.
I’m not allowed to sleep in their bed anymore. The had to
wash all their sheets because of the Alopecia everywhere. The woman uses a
scary machine that makes noise and eats up all of the hair I lose everywhere. I
don’t like this machine. She seems frustrated and sighs when she pets me and
all my hair comes off.
The woman tries to feed me pills – 5 of them! I try growling
signaling that she should stop because I don’t like it, but she continues. I
try baring my teeth but she continues. I snap and try to bite her and this
seems to work. The man comes in and looks angry. He grabs me and sits me down
and the woman makes me take the pills. I don’t like the Wuns anymore, but I
still love them and am happy to have a warm place to sleep and water in my
bowl. I hate my food though because it isn’t the same as what they eat and I
want their food all the time.
I’m starting to get really frustrated by this cone. It’s
hard for the Wuns to pet me and I keep walking in to walls and getting caught
everywhere. The woman laughs at me but I don’t think it’s funny. I’ve snapped
and tried to bite her a lot because I’m frustrated. The other day she cried and
didn’t want to come near me. I’m really sad and scared now because what if they
get rid of me? I’m not nice anymore and I’m so irritable. I don’t like lying
next to them because I’m so itchy and they won’t let me scratch. What if I go
back to the big, scary place?

Even though I don’t get to sleep in my foster parents’ bed,
I have a new bed and it’s so comfortable and all mine! No one else sleeps in my
bed and I know when to go there at night when my foster parents go in the big
bed. I wonder if they know that during the day when they leave me, I climb into
the big bed and stay there all day! I’m such a clever and sneaky dog. I think
they’d be okay with it though. I get to lie wherever I want all day just not at
nighttime now. I think maybe my hair gets everywhere at night, I don’t know.

I’ve gained a lot of weight and foster mama
doesn’t pet me cautiously anymore because I have meat on my bones!
Sometimes I’m just trying to lie down and rest and foster
mama will smile at me and give me hugs. I never do anything special but she
still smiles and says “Awwww, Moses!” I think this means that she loves me.
Maybe someone will love me forever one day. Will my foster parents love me
forever? I hope that when they talk about the Wun family, I’m part of it.
Woof woof,