Monday, November 26, 2012

Kids say the DARNDEST things, AD style

So I am consistently amused by some of the things my kids say.

As a teacher, I hear hilarious crap on a minutely basis. If you are a teacher and/or have a child and/or have ever heard what kids think, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Here are some GEMS I found while marking my students' spelling books:

1. "I put the cream in my body."

Do you now??

2. "I bring the nail for my dad so he to make a house with a wood."

Really great effort here. This kid is smart, but sometimes she thinks about 4 million words at once and just HAS to write ALL of them down.

3. "I head the helmet by safe."

...yes you do. 

4. "My Dad and Mum eat a jum."

The word is supposed to be jam but the rhyming is nice. I may make this into a song.

5. "The moon make a sparkle in a sky."


6. "At night, it is moon."

It sure is.

7. "I clean a teeth with my tube." (My personal favourite)

How incredibly gross/innocent is this? All I have to say is... what?!?!?!

This next gem of a sentence was written on a test where the students had to use the word "email" in a "meaningful sentence":

"I email a cake."

I gave this student full marks because this is effing adorable. 

The next few gems are things my students have said in class. Amazing.

Me: What's three plus two?

"Miss! He look at me!"

Context: We were talking about what my stuffed monkey, Jimby, might eat:

Me: Jimby likes to eat bananas. What else does he like to eat?
"Jimby eat flowers."
"Jimby eat computers."
"Jimby eat electricity." (My personal favourite)

Me: What happens when a fish is out of water?
"It die!"

Me: What animals can fly?
"Santa can fly."

Me: Can you touch fire?
"It no soft! It die!"

Me: Can plants move?
"Flowers make a babies."

That answers exactly what I asked...

So there you have some of the funniest quotes from my class. Trust me, there will be more to come.
I still can't get over "I clean a teeth with my tube." I hope you know she MEANS tube of toothpaste...

Until next time,
This is Mrs. S. Wun, Teacher extraordinaire!

Love Seat: Episode Two

And now another episode of Love Seat.
Note my wicked head scarf. Comfort at its finest. :)

With love,
the Wuns

Embrace your inner Dhabian

Here's a vlog about embracing life and all its majesty despite bad days and stupidity. I videoed it when Bernard was in Lebanon. We have internet now (cotton candy erupts from a volcano of love and triumph) so NOW I can upload it.

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